Rotating box

Challenge Leetcode 1861 You are given an m x n matrix of characters boxGrid representing a side-view of a box. Each cell of the box is one of the following: A stone ‘#’ A stationary obstacle ‘*’ Empty ‘.’ The box is rotated 90 degrees clockwise, causing some of the stones to fall due to gravity. Each stone falls down until it lands on an obstacle, another stone, or the bottom of the box. Gravity does not affect the obstacles’ positions, and the inertia from the box’s rotation does not affect the stones’ horizontal positions. ...

November 24, 2024 · 2 min · Nolan

Paint Fence

Challenge You are painting post on a fence of size N. Only K consecutive post can have the same color. Return the number of way you can paint the fence. E.g: N = 3 K = 2 -> will return 6 Solution 1 - Time Limted Exceeded class Solution: def helper(self,n, k, fence) ->int: if len(fence) >= 3 and fence[-3] == fence[-2] == fence[-1]: return if len(fence) == n: self.count += 1 return for i in range(0, k): self.helper(n, k, fence + str(i)) def numWays(self, n: int, k: int) -> int: self.count = 0 self.helper(n, k, "") return self.count The code above will create a recursion tree like so: ...

July 27, 2021 · 2 min · Nolan

New Blog

Algo I realized, most of the time, I’m not able to find back my answers from previous coding challenges. I can remember a similar problem or want to have a quick reminder about something and I can’t find it… With this blog, I’m hoping that it will change, I’ll try to keep things nice and tidy. I used to post them on but I feel it’s more convenient to have another blog for that. ...

March 3, 2021 · 1 min · Nolan