You are given a board 8 x 8, a position(x,y) as well of a color.
You task is to determine if this move is valid.
A move is considered valid, if you have can have (vertically, horizontally or in digonal), starting from this position, a structure like so: color given then opposite N colors then color given
For example [“B”,“W”,“W”,“B”] or [“W”,“B”,“W”] is valid in any direction.
This [“B”,“B”,“W”] or [“W”,"."] is invalid.
class Solution:
def get_opposite(self, color):
if color == "B":
return "W"
elif color == "W":
return "B"
return "E"
def checkMove(self, board: List[List[str]], rMove: int, cMove: int, color: str) -> bool:
directions = [(0, -1), (-1,-1) ,(-1,0) ,(-1,1), (0,1), (1,1), (1,0), (1,-1)]
for row, col in directions:
current_color = color
r = rMove + row
c = cMove + col
if r > len(board)-1 or r < 0 or c > len(board[0])-1 or c < 0:
if board[r][c] == current_color or board[r][c] == '.':
length = 0
while r < len(board) and r >= 0 and c < len(board[0]) and c >= 0:
if board[r][c] == self.get_opposite(current_color):
length += 1
elif board[r][c]=='.':
if board[r][c] == current_color and length >= 1:
return True
r += row
c += col
return False