You are given an integer array called nums, your task is to return the longest increasing subsequence.
is the longest subsequence of the array [0,3,1,6,2,2,7]
Solution 1 - Recursion
class Solution:
def first_solution(self, nums, index, prev, ct):
if index > len(nums):
self.m = max(self.m, ct)
self.first_solution(nums, index + 1, prev, ct)
if index < len(nums) and nums[index] > prev:
self.first_solution(nums, index + 1, nums[index], ct + 1)
return ct
def lengthOfLIS(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
self.m = 0
self.first_solution(tuple(nums), 0, float("-inf"), 0)
return self.m
Time complexity: O(n^2)
Solution 2 - Dynamic Programming
class Solution:
def lengthOfLIS(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
res = []
dp = [1 for i in range(len(nums))]
for i in range(len(nums)):
for j in range(i,-1,-1):
if nums[i] > nums[j]:
dp[i] = max(dp[i], dp[j]+1)
return max(dp)
Time Complexity: O(n^2)
Solution 3 - Using Patience sort
def lis_using_patience_sort(arr):
stack = [[]]
for n in arr:
i = 0
while i < len(arr)-1:
if i < len(stack) and len(stack[i]) == 0:
stack[i].insert(0, n)
elif i < len(stack) and len(stack[i]) > 0 and n <= stack[i][0]:
stack[i].insert(0, n)
elif i == len(stack)-1 and len(stack[i]) > 0 and n >= stack[i][0]:
i += 1
return len(stack)
Simplified implementation using bisect
class Solution:
def lengthOfLIS(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
res = []
for num in nums:
if not res or num > res[-1]:
idx = bisect.bisect_left(res,num)
res[idx] = num
return len(res)
Time Complexity: O(n log n)
Credits: youtube video